
一起搞活动 同一组 意见不合 投票决定 其实看似民主 其实“大石压死蟹”
我的部分 我负责 我最清楚了 大家同意 最后一秒却变卦 改得乱七八糟 也不私下通知让我有心理准备就直接在大会议公布决定 这就是所谓的民主
昨晚已经开会 今早见面说没那么快再有会议 却在3小时前通知10点紧急会议 本来要运动 做个全身磨砂 然后做松露姐姐的柠檬蛋糕 现在心情全没 一团糟

mic : feeling

Time: 22:52pm... Sitting atop my toilet bowl writing this few sentences. A strange feeling running through my mind. Not "gup si". A feeling of missing my dearest dear. For the past week she has been here by my side, sleeping beside me, having meals together and that's a wonderful feeling anyone could ask for.

Today she's back at her so called home a.k.a hostel. Starting her final 2 semester tomorrow. Have to walk to class ohh? Chamm no parking sticker!!

My "cooking mama" with her delightful dish cooking moment. My mom heaps praise on her cooking as well.

I miss you.. Piggy

Busy, Tired, Hot*

It's been a really busy week, was so busy, I didn't get a chance to sit at my desk for the whole 7days.

Behh Bee is still at hometown and will be back tomorrow, just can't wait for her to be back. Hmmm heart pumping bee-bop bee-bop jorr.

Miss my sweety so much... For the time being... Look at photos of her also cukup laaa...


见朋友 跟妈咪聊天等等
好朋友又来 全身酸痛 (@_@)
他都很忙。。一直工作不知会不会累垮> < I F MISS dear dear honey beh bee panda chan wai kong!!!!!!!

- Posted Nicole's iPhone

Saturday Night Home

Saturday night... Watching football on Astro. Gone are the days where I probably would be at some clubs by now. It's a kind of relief as well as I'm not that into clubbing nor drinking anymore. I'm more focused on my relationship with my sweetheart. Theres always a span of time where people would change their habits. Mine, I changed from drinking to eating now. Hahahah

My dear is currently back at her hometown now. Having some monthly blues too. Hope she'll feel better tomorrow. I'll be super busy starting tomorrow.

Behh bee made some delicious "guai ling gou" before she went back.

And we bought some swissroll the other day as well.. Choco mint is not bad but I still prefer Coffee Walnut.
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